For five years, 1996 through 2000, the Seaford Yacht Club participated in the Hampton Bay Days"Wacky Raft Race".  Barry Shrout designed the "rafts", Barry and Joe Mitchell "crewed" the rafts, and multiple Seaford Yacht Club members help construct the rafts.  Initial assembly and "sea trials" were normally done at the Seaford Yacht Club docks, but final assemble and "launch" had to be accomplished at the Mill Point Park in Hampton.  You may revisit some of the action by viewing the videos.

 (Click on picture for larger one)  (Click on desired video--downloading may take some time)
 Snapshot1996Race  Wacky Raft Race 1996

 Snapshot1997Race  Wacky Raft Race 1997

 Snapshot1998Race  Wacky Raft Race 1998

Snapshot1999Race Wacky Raft Race 1999

Snapshot2000Race Wacky Raft Race 2000